Friday, March 16, 2007

thank God for bringing me out of this vicious cycle...

Thank God for helping me see beyond this situation... Haha... what a relieve...

I have been holding on to this crush for nearly three years now I think... Aiya... Does it even matter now? Reflecting upon it though, I think I have been holding on to this crush for sooooooo long is simply because he has been the one constant guy friend in my life... I mean, of all the guys I have been hanging out with, this person has been a constant la... When people ask me what I see in him, I often have no answer... I guess this is what it means by "love is blind" or rather I feel, "infatuation is blind"... apart from the fact that this person is really mild mannered, there doesn't seem to be much qualities about him... Not that I am finding fault with him now that I have come to realise my infatuation... But I guess I was simply too blinded in the past to even notice his flaws... I thank God that I have been set free from this emotional entanglement that I have set myself in... I can now look at him and know that I do not like him in any ways what so ever, except on a basic friendship...

I guess, I really have to reassess my view on platonic friendships... I guess, there really can't be good close platonic friendships... The boundaries would be blurred after awhile... At least for my case it would... I am simply a girl who can develop likings for guy friends who become close friends after awhile, as long as they meet certain basic requirements... I would say that now, I am able to see the impending "danger" and distant myself when the friendship begin to become greyed...

I simply am thankful to the Lord that I am able to now know clearly what I want and be focused on it... Thank God that He has delivered me from one of my many weak spots... =)